SUPER TIP! Summer continues! Come to Harrachov for relaxation and nature!

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SUPER TIP! Summer continues! Come to Harrachov for relaxation and nature!

SUPER TIP! Summer continues! Come to Harrachov for relaxation and nature!


Whirling bath of the limb (legs or foots)

290 Czk
/ 20 min.

Underwater massage, which uses a combination of heat and strong mechanical stimulation with water. The therapy increases blood circulation and acts locally. It has a relaxing effect. It is recommended to treat post-traumatic states, tu use for leg pain from exertion, for turgescent feet because of poor blood circulation.

Suitable temperature is 37 degrees, duration of this bath is 20 minutes.

Attention: It isn’t suitable after phlebitis of lower limbs.

Indication: postoperative or post-traumatic states of the locomotive system and muscle atrophy

SUPER TIP! Summer continues! Come to Harrachov for relaxation and nature!

